Thursday, August 5, 2010

Defining Creativity

Creativity is to think out of the box. Its to create something really new or develop an idea that already exist into a better one. Creativity is also to develop an idea or imagination into a reality and producing it. In today's global world, people expects something really creative, unique and different then the others. If we come up with the same idea as others people tend to get bored and the idea or product can be a failure.

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.(Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken)

Creativity is the ability to think differently and design new inventions, produce art work, solve problems in new methods. Other than that also develop an idea based on an original, novel, or alternative approach. (Creative Studies Lecture Notes)

Associated mind map

The image shown above is a mind map about me..!!!!!!

Exploration On Analog Metaphor

Life is like climbing a mountain. You will have a hard time climbing up. But once you reach the top. The world is yours.

The image showing a lady holding her heart to be given to her beloved.....

Todays life is like a race. hoever reacts fast.. They are the winners...

The rise of petrol price is the hot issue in the country. The image above creatively shows the hike of the petrol price...

Smoking kills..!!!!


Juxtaposition means when two images were placed side by side or their contrast or similarity shown trough comparison. Juxtaposition is done to bring out certain quality or creating an effect especially when two opposing elements used.

Juxtaposition divided into 2

1) ANALOGY- is a cognitive process of transferring information from a particular subject to another particular subject.

2) OXYMORON- is an expression with contradictory words.

Here are some examples of Juxtaposition images....


According to WIKIPEDIA a mind map is a diagram used to represent words,ideas , tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate,visualize,structure ,classify and ideas, and as an aid to studying and organizing information,solving problems,making decisions,and writing.

Mind map is the first best way to create a artwork. It will help us to get a rough idea and throw out the ideas from our mind. we can use mind map to explore, develop our idea and correct specific problems before we proceed our work.

Mind maps divided into two.

1) Logical Mind Map- directly connected to stereotypes. Which means the word every word and images is related to the central subject.

2) Associated Mind Maps - able to generate random words, images and links between words that have no connection,

sources:(wikipedia and creative studies lecture note)


Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention


Creativity is being different. In order to be creative we have to think and see things from different perspective.


Invention is to create the idea in the mind and bring it real. It is the result of idea,research,process and experiments.


Innovation means is to bring changes or new idea (Oxford Dictionary). Innovation is a process to bring up ideas into reality.



Novelty means the quality of being new. The image above shows a vintage style of a gun that is actually a hairdryer. The product is not only a new and creative design but also has quality on it.


Defining Creativity...

Creativity is to think out of the box. Its to create something really new or develop an idea that already exist into a better one. Creativity is also to develop an idea or imagination into a reality and producing it. In today's global world, people expects something really creative, unique and different then the others. If we come up with the same idea as others people tend to get bored and the idea or product can be a failure.

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.(Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken)

Creativity is the ability to think differently and design new inventions, produce art work, solve problems in new methods. Other than that also develop an idea based on an original, novel, or alternative approach. (Creative Studies Lecture Notes)

Defining Creativity...

Creativity is to think out of the box. Its to create something really new or develop an idea that already exist into a better one. Creativity is also to develop an idea or imagination into a reality and producing it. In today's global world, people expects something really creative, unique and different then the others. If we come up with the same idea as others people tend to get bored and the idea or product can be a failure.

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.(Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken)

Creativity is the ability to think differently and design new inventions, produce art work, solve problems in new methods. Other than that also develop an idea based on an original, novel, or alternative approach. (Creative Studies Lecture Notes)

Creativity is the ability

Creativity is the ability to think up and design new inventions, produce works of art, solve problems in new ways, or develop an idea based on an original, novel, or unconventional approach.

to think up and design new inventions, produce works of art, solve problems in new ways, or develop an idea based on an original, novel, or unconventional approach.

Creativity is the ability to think up and design new inventions, produce works of art, solve problems in new ways, or develop an idea based on an original, novel, or unconventional approach.


This is a very creative camera design seen in a bus. This image is creative because they had used the wheel of the bus to show as the lens of the camera.

This is a creative ad by famous fast food company McDonalds. That came up with this idea to show that their food products are really good and making a good business.

This is a design by a handphone company. They came up with a idea by showin an x_ray image of a human using a handphone. We can seldom see this kind of images.

This is a unique and creative design of a car by a well know car seller BMW. The design of the car clearly shows they are trying to come up with a car design that really different then the cars in the market.

Introduction to Creative Studies

What is being creative? "Being creative is seeing the same thing as everybody else but thinking of something different. As a creative multimedia student we must learn to think n implement something different from other. As a designer we cannot produce our work same and just like others. we should think out of the box and come up with something really new and unique. In this creative studies class, we learn to define and identify the real meaning of being creative and the meaning of creativity and also problem solving methods. Its a universal fact that being creative is hard and needs a lot of thinking. but once we keep on training and think differently it will be easy and we will be able to define the real meaning of being creative.

"creativity is an attitude, combine with effort; 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration- Thomas Edison